H. albicans AGM Clusters of white flowers from June to August held on top of shoots clad in grey-green leaves, evergreen. Height and Spread up to about 0.6 metres
H. ‘Alicia Amherst'
H. ‘Amy’ (Syn. `Purple Queen and `Royal Purple) Purple flowers from May to July. Glossy purple leaves turn green as the season progresses, evergreen. Height a small shrub 1 to 1.5 metres. Spread about 1 metre.
H. armstrongii Small white flowers in July and August. Olive green, whipcord stems, evergreen. Height a dwarf shrub 0.6 metres. Spread 0.6 to 0.8 metres.
H. ‘Autumn Glory’ Short, dense, clusters of intense violet flowers from July to September. Dark green leaves with a purplish tinge, evergreen. Height a small shrub to about 1 metre. Spread 0.6 to 0.8 metres. Purple flushed leaves, evergreen. Height and Spread 0.6 to 0.9 metres.
H. 'Blue Clouds' AGM
H. brachysiphon White flowers in June and July. Small dark green leaves, evergreen. Height up to 1.5 metres sometimes more. Spread 1 to 1.5 metres.
H. ‘Carnea Variegata’ Rose pink flowers fade to white, May to September. Narrow grey green leaves margined creamy white, evergreen. Height and Spread to about 1.2 metres
H. carnosula Clusters of white flowers in July and August. Small grey shell-like leaves, evergreen. Height dwarf shrub about 0.3 metres. Spread prostrate in habit 0.6 to 1 metre.
H. ‘Edington’ Spikes of bright purple flowers from June to October. Mid green leaves, evergreen. Height 1 metre. Spread 0.9 metres
H. ‘Emerald Green’ AGM (Was Hebe ‘Green Globe’) Small white flowers in June. Glossy green leaves on upright shoots, evergreen. Height compact and bun shaped to 0.3 metres. Spread 0.3 to 0.5metres.
H. ‘Eveline’ (Was Hebe ‘Gauntlettii’) Spikes of rose pink and purple flowers from July to September. Mid green leaves, evergreen. Height and Spread about 1 metre.
H. x franciscana ‘Blue Gem’ Violet-blue flowers from May to September. Rounded green leaves, evergreen. Height and Spread up to 1.2 metres. Needs a very sheltered site protected from cold winds.
H. x franciscana ‘Variegata White Form’ SEE Hebe 'Silver Queen'
H. x franciscana yellow-variegated Violet-blue flowers from May to September. Rounded green leaves broadly edged butter yellow fading to creamy white, evergreen. Height and Spread 0.6 to 0.9 metres. Needs a very sheltered site protected from cold winds.
H. ‘Glaucophylla Variegata’ Small white flowers in July and August. Tiny grey-green leaves margined creamy-white, evergreen. Height 0.3 to 0.6 metres. Spread 0.6 to 1 metre.
H. ‘Great Orme' AGM Bright pink flowers from May to July. Lance shaped dark green leaves. evergreen. Height and Spread about 1 metre.
H. 'Kirkii' White flowers, sometimes lilac tinged from June to August. Bright green narrow leaves, evergreen. Height and Spread about 1.5 to 3 metres.
H. 'Lady Aridlaun' The RHS Plantfinder shows this as the same as Amy we have them growing together and they are similar but definitely different
H. ‘Margret’ AGM Spikes of sky blue flowers gradually fade through pale blue to white, May and June and then a few more through to the autumn. Bright green leaves, evergreen. Height and Spread 0.45 to 0.6 metres.
H. ‘Marjorie’ Spikes of light violet and white flowers from July to September. Mid green leaves, evergreen. Height and Spread about 1 metre.
H. ‘Mauveana’ Spikes of lavender-mauve flowers from July to September. Mid green leaves, evergreen. Height and Spread about 1 metre
H. ‘Midsummer Beauty' AGM Long racemes of lavender flowers from July to September. Green leaves, reddish below, evergreen. Height 2 metres. Spread 1.5 metre.
H. 'Moppet's Hardy' Light violet and white flowers from July to August. Pale green leaves edged darker green when young, evergreen. Height and Spread about 1 metre.
H. ‘Mrs Winder’ AGM Bright blue flowers from July to September. Narrow, dark purplish green, leaves, evergreen. Height and Spread 1.2 to 1.5 metres
H. ‘Nicola's Blush’ AGM Spikes of pale pink flowers fading to white, June to November. Mid green leaves, reddish below, evergreen. Height and Spread about 0.9 metres.
H. ochracea ‘James Stirling’ AGM Small, insignificant, white flowers in July and August. Whipcord stems of bright ochre-gold, evergreen. Height a dwarf shrub 0.3 to 0.6 metres. Spread 0.3 to 0.45metres.
H. ‘Pascal' AGM
H. ‘Pewter Dome’ AGM Clusters of white flowers in July and August. Grey-green leaves, evergreen. Height a low growing shrub 0.3 to 0.5 metres. Spread 0.3 to 0.5 metres.
H. pimeleoides ‘Quicksilver’ AGM Pale lilac flowers in June and July. Tiny silvery-blue leaves on dark stems, evergreen. Height 0.3 to 0.5 metres. Spread 0.5 to 1 metre.
H. pinguifolia ‘Pagei’ AGM Small white flowers in May. Small glaucous grey leaves, evergreen. Height about 0.3 metres. Spread virtually prostrate to about1 metre.
H. PURPLE SHAMROCK 'Neprock' Bright blue flowers sporadically from July to September. Leaves are narrow and lime green turning deep purple and pink during winter and early spring. Height and Spread about 0.6 metres.
H. rakaiensis AGM Flowers white, in June and July. Small neat pale green leaves, evergreen. Height and Spread a dwarf shrub 0.3 to 0.5 metres.
H. ‘Red Edge’ AGM Clusters of lilac to white flowers in June and July. Blue grey leaves, edged red especially pronounced in winter, evergreen. Height and Spread 0.3 to 0.6 metres.
H. ‘Rosie'
H. salicifolia White flowers, sometimes lilac tinged from June to August. Narrow mid green leaves, evergreen. Height and Spread about 1.5 to 3metres. DUE TO PROBLEMS IN CONTROLLING DOWNY MILDEW WHEN GROWN IN POTS WE HAVE NOT GROWN THIS VARIETY THIS YEAR, THE CLOSEST WE CAN OFFER IS Hebe 'Kirkii'
H. ‘Silver Dollar’ Clusters of white flowers from June to August held on top of shoots. Silvery green, variegated, foliage with a narrow red leaf margins, burgundy tips in winter, evergreen. Height and Spread up to about 0.6 metres.
H. 'Silver Queen' AGM (Was known as H x franciscana ‘Variegata White Form’) Violet-blue flowers from May to September. Rounded green leaves broadly edged creamy white, evergreen. Height and Spread 0.6 to 0.9 metres. Needs a very sheltered site protected from cold winds.
H. topiaria AGM Clusters of white flowers from June to August Grey-green leaves, evergreen. Height and Spread a rounded shrub up to about 0.6metres.
H. vernicosa AGM Flowers white, sometimes pale lilac at first, May. Small bright glossy green leaves, evergreen. Height and Spread a dwarf shrub 0.3 to 0.6 metres.
H. ‘Watson's Pink’ Bright pink flowers from May to July. Purple tinged, glossy green leaves. evergreen. Height and Spread 1 to 1.5 metres.
H. ‘White Gem’ AGM A profusion of small white flowers in June. Small pale green leaves, evergreen. Height a dwarf compact shrub about 0.5 metres. Spread about 0.75 to 1 metre.
H. ‘Youngii’ AGM (Was Hebe ‘Carl Teschner’) Violet flowers with a white throat, June and July. Small dark green leaves, evergreen. Height about 0.3 metres. Spread virtually prostrate to about 1 metre.